Going with the Flow - Travel Edition with a Toddler

La Casa Azul, Museo Frida Kahlo

Our toddler did so great on our trip to Mexico City, but honestly, they came out of the womb ready for the world, so we weren’t surprised.

Parenthood has really forced me to learn how to go with the flow and really doesn’t come natural for my anxious being. Traveling amplifies that, pulling me out of my comfort zone and a reminder that without my grounding routines, I’m more vulnerable to anxiety. While I had my moments, watching our toddler absorb the world, the culture, and all the new experiences, really did made it all worthwhile.

The big things that made it such a great experience for us: traveling with Aunties <3 and practicing with shorter domestic trips breaking in our travel gear and worked up our confidence to do this 3.5hr flight.

There’s just so much more to explore, eat, and see. We truly fell in love with Mexico City and can’t wait to go back!


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