Disconnect to connect - 100 days Social Media Detox

I’ve been trying to figure out ways to connect in meaningful ways and specifically have been wrestling with Instagram for a while ever since I became aware that it was personally causing me more angst and stress.  I was so excited to facetime my dear friend Aimi who’s been living a slow intentional life with her little family in Vietnam. She put into words what I needed to hear, “disconnect to connect.”  It was my sign that it’s time to take a break and officially start my 100 days Instagram Detox!

I feel really good about taking the time to do the hard work weeding out my my garden this Fall Season to recharge and refocus. Already I’m seeing seeds and potential for some really exciting new things to come for ecomonster and myself, like starting with dusting off this blog.

Sunset in Joshua Tree


Office Succulent Terrarium Party